
From 25th feb to 9th March 2020 I will be holding an exhibition at the Column bake House Gallery, The Factory Cooperage, Royal William Yard, Plymouth PL1 3RP.

The private view will be from 6pm to 8pm on the 27th of Feb.

I realise that I have behaved like a bowerbird nearly all my life. I have been searching, finding and collecting objects and even curating them from a young age. The male bowerbird collects similarly coloured objects and creates an installation around a bower in order to attract a mate. I have made this exhibition whilst on a residency at Ocean Studios, wandering the foreshores at low tide, in order to impress you, the audience. Finding the remnants of boat building and making, clay pipes and broken glass left by the thousands of people and animals who have lived and worked died in Stonehouse.

The bowerbird is related to the bird of paradise and lives in Papua New Guinea and Northern Australia, where it’s habitat is threatened by land clearing, feral cats, shooting and bush fires.

All objects in the cabinet were found on the foreshores of Storehouse and Royal William Yard.

Special thanks to Kate Jones of Daisy Laing for creating this Ocean Studios residency and for her curatorial input.

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